Build Your Own AI Voice Assistant

Today we look at how to build your own Jarvis, AI Labeling On LinkedIn, and How To Get Unstuck with ChatGPT

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Today’s Issue

  • LinkedIn AI Content Labeling

  • Recommended Newsletter: Prompt’s Daily

  • Build Your Own Jarvis

  • Get Unstuck By Leveraging ChatGPT


LinkedIn's New AI Labels: A Step Towards Transparency or Just Another Gimmick?

LinkedIn has joined the ranks of social platforms adding labels to AI-generated content. Partnering with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), LinkedIn will now tag AI images with a small C2PA icon. Clicking this icon reveals more information about the image.

The tags are automatically added based on embedded code data, identified by the C2PA process. This initiative aims to establish industry standards for AI-generated content, including digital watermarks that are hard to remove.

Microsoft, LinkedIn’s parent company, has already adopted C2PA standards, along with Google, Adobe, and OpenAI. TikTok also recently adopted these standards for its AI tagging process.

Most social platforms now have some form of AI content tags to improve transparency and limit the spread of deepfake content. While many AI-generated images are harmless, like the viral image of the Pope in a puffer jacket, others can have serious consequences.

Fake images of an attack on the Pentagon or false representations about the Israel-Hamas war can sway public opinion, posing significant risks, especially as we approach various elections worldwide.

Automated and immediate detection is crucial to ensure these labels are attached before misleading visuals gain traction. The next step is educating the public on what these labels mean, but achieving uniformity in reporting is the first goal.

LinkedIn's move is a step towards transparency, but whether it will be effective or just another tech gimmick remains to be seen.


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Build Your Own Jarvis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a ChatGPT-4o AI Voice Assistant

Ever dreamt of having your own AI assistant like Tony Stark's Jarvis? Thanks to Prompt Engineering, you can now build a sophisticated AI voice assistant named "Aiden" using the latest OpenAI ChatGPT-4o Omni model. This guide will walk you through the essential components and steps to create your own modular AI assistant with memory and voice capabilities.

Key Components of Aiden

  • Audio Capture: Use a high-quality microphone to ensure clear audio input, free from background noise.

  • Transcription: Implement the Whisper model via an API to convert speech into text accurately.

  • Query Processing: Utilize GPT-4o to process text queries, providing intelligent and contextually relevant responses.

  • Text-to-Speech Conversion: Transform text responses into speech using OpenAI’s voice engine.

  • Chat History Management: Maintain a chat history to retain context across interactions, enabling more personalized responses.

Modular AI Framework

To build Aiden, adopt a modular code structure for reusability and maintainability. Key functions include:

  • Recording Audio: Use Python packages like speech_recognition to capture audio input.

  • Transcribing Audio to Text: Integrate the Whisper model for transcription.

  • Generating Responses: Feed transcribed text into GPT-4o for response generation.

  • Converting Text to Speech: Employ OpenAI’s voice engine for text-to-speech conversion.

  • Playing the Audio Response: Use libraries like Pygame to play audio responses.

Enhancing Your AI Assistant

  • Future enhancements can further improve Aiden’s capabilities:

  • Grok Whisper: Integrate an optimized version of the Whisper model for faster transcription.

  • Eleven Labs: Use advanced text-to-speech voices for more natural interactions.

  • Local GPT Integration: Enable Aiden to handle complex tasks like document interaction.

  • Function Calling: Allow Aiden to retrieve web information and perform other operations via external APIs.

By following this guide and leveraging GPT-4o, you can create a sophisticated AI voice assistant with memory capabilities. Embrace the modular approach, implement core components, and explore future enhancements to unlock Aiden’s full potential. Start building today and embark on an exciting journey in the world of conversational AI!


5 New Ways To Get Unstuck Daily
Using ChatGPT


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