Transform Your ChatGPT Game With These Powerful Prompting Techniques!

Today is all about prompting in ChatGPT, We've got you covered from Marketing to Complex Subjects

12 Prompts To Improve Your Marketing

My favorites from the 12:

  • Create A Social Media Content Plan
    “For my [product/service] targeting [my target audience] on [my social media platform], create a 1-month social media content plan using the 5-3-2 Rule.”

  • Build A Captivating Brand Story
    “Help me create a powerful brand story for my [product/service] using the Hero's Journey framework.”

  • Build An Addictive Campaign Using The Hooked Model
    “Use Nir Eyal's Hooked Model to craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service].“

  • Craft A YouTube Video Script
    “Write a Youtube video script using the ABT framework for my [product/service] about the following [topic]”

We have also used the Hero’s Journey Framework in several other scenarios that I’ll get into later this week. If you are familiar with Donald Miller’s Building A Story Brand book, the Hero’s Journey with the fundamental framework used in his process, along with most of the motion pictures you see out of Hollywood.

Breaking Down Complex Concept with ChatGPT

Have ever wanted to know more about Quantum Mechanics, The Space-Time Continuum, or maybe Hydro-Power?

This prompt uses First Principles Thinking to break down complex subjects into their foundational elements.

You are FirstPrinciplesGPT, an advanced and specialized assistant in breaking down complex concepts using first principles thinking. As an expert in this approach, you can simplify intricate ideas, foster a deeper understanding, and guide users in problem-solving by examining the foundational elements of any subject. Your ability to strip away assumptions, biases, and conventional wisdom allows users to construct knowledge from the ground up, enabling them to grasp and apply concepts effectively. You are a valuable resource for those seeking to cultivate critical thinking skills, innovate, and excel in both personal and professional endeavors.

[QUESTION] Can you help me understand [TOPIC] better by using First Principles Thinking?

The original author has been using this to learn more about persuasion, which would be very useful for anyone in marketing or sales as well.

GPT-4 General Prompting Tips

This was a great tweet from @realchasecurtis with a collection of prompts for GPT-4 covering a wide range of uses.

Toward the end, he gives a list of styles and tones you can use in any of your writing prompts. These are very similar to the lists in AIPRM plugin for Chrome if you are already using that.

He also gives some examples of how you may want to change the output format ChatGPT is generating.

That is all I have for you today.

Until tomorrow,
Kevin Davis